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Misc. Links


Misc Web Sites/Pages:

BuddhaNet (
Take an encyclopedic tour of the Buddhist world, or download and listen to mediation instructions in RealAudio.

CNNfn (
For up-to-the-minute market and financial news, this site can't be beat. The articles on retirement planning, choosing a credit card and other topics are a bonus.

DefenseLink (
The US Defense Department's home page has background, histories, biographies and lots of inside information about all branches of the US military.

Friends & Affiliated Members Website/WebPages:

Geomancy: Cplim's Homepage (
Interested in Geomancy? Why not take a look in here?

NPNet (
As a student of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, We felt that we ought to place a link here.

Starlight Observatory (
Founded by 3 great men, this is the central gateway for the ultimate astronomy discovery. Tells you everything what you don't know. Strictly to astro stuff.

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