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The Internet, Careers & Web Publishing Links



Career Mosaic (
Looking for overseas work experience? This site can help you land a job in countries ranging from Canada to Singapore.

Entrepreneurial Edge Online (
On-line tutorials help you start, expand and market your own business.

Smart Business Supersite (
This sprawling site has timely tips on everything from doing business on the Internet to getting insurance for your laptop.

The Internet & Search Engines:

AltaVista (
It's both the fastest and the most through search engine on the web; it also combs through Usenet newsgroups.

Cryptography, PGP, and Your Privacy (http://world.stdcom/~franl/crypto.html)
Learn the basics of cryptography and how to scramble your electronic communications so they can't be read by snoopers or spies.

Infoseek (
Call up relevant web pages by keywords or topic. A good search engine to use.

Lycos (
This search engine's multimedia tool points you to photos, videos, music, noises and everything else beyond the written word.

Yahoo (
The original search tool, which lets you, locates information by keywords or topics. It is still one of the best.

Web Publishing:

Barry's Clip Art Server (
Download the images in this expensive collection of clip art to jazz up your newsletters, brochures and other documents.

Geocities (
Join the tens of thousands of people who have a free home page in one of the 24 theme community - from Athens to Hollywood - in this virtual online world. Now free 11MB space!

SingPOST (
Singapore's first free email for life. This service available only to Singapore-based email account.

Tripod (
This highly interactive site for college grads has advice on managing money, staying healthy and, of course, developing a killer resume.

For Text Browsers or Graphics Disabled Browsers
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