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To The Point: Acupuncture on the Net


Sharp Resources: Acupuncture on the Net? Well, it does not serve as a do-it-yourself resource, but rather for research. The Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine's Acupuncture Home Page is a good place to try finding out whether acupuncture will cure what ails you. Sinusitis, the common cold, conjunctivitis and dozens of other disorder are discussed - and you can learn how without feeling a prick. So, for those who are curious or interested in this sort of treatment, this is a place of intellectual haven.
Put together with help from the British Acupuncture Council, this site is does not have the traditional Chinese atmosphere, but so are most of the good acupuncture web sites. The site is located at:

Live Demonstration?! : The next step would be to find a good practitioner. If you trust the web for this sort of stuff (rather than recommendation from relatives and friends), then is worth visiting.
The site contains forums for practitioners, research material and a reasonable list of practitioners around the globe. Just in case the needle thing does not interest you, this site features a section on "external healing with qi gong", whose practitioners are often featured in newspapers towing buses using their body parts.

Pricked by Interest? : If you find yourself engrossing in the acupuncture business, you could go to a search engine like and search for links to related sites. Alternatively, you could visit the home page of Vilberto C. Oliveira. It is said to contain hundreds of links to sites covering everything from Chinese wonder herbs to acupuncture for animals.

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